Sayhis name:
George Floyd!
MondayMay 25th, 2020
Theykilled him
Who killed him?
Fourpolice officers
Onein particular
Whoplaced his knee on Floyd’s throat
Andbrought his full body weight down
Whilethe three others stood around
Andwatched it happen
Foreight minutes
Overkillin the extreme
Becausefor the last
Twominutes 53 seconds
Floydwas already dead
Floyddied hard
Beggingfor his life
Sayingfor all to hear:
“Ican’t breathe!”
Thisproud black man
Whocould have whipped any one
Ofthese tough guy cops
Oneon one in a fair fight
Calledout for his mother, and
Finallymade his final plea:
“P LE A S E ! ! !”
Theydidn’t listen
Theykilled him, anyway
Wednesdaynight May 27th, 2020
Protestorsburned a few buildings
Andmade it obvious that
Theywouldn’t let up
Untiljustice was served
Thursdayafternoon May 28th, 2020
Justicewas not served
Ascompletely tone deaf
Whitemouthpieces held a news conference
Andserved up a word salad
Theworst serving being when
Thecounty attorney stated that the
Copabsolving evidence was not yet in
Whatthe protestors heard was:
Bullshit! Bullshit!! Bullshit!!!
Whitemouthpieces spewing nonsense
Cowardsone and all who thought
Thatthey were in control
Of aseething rage about to explode
Theythought that the protestors
Wouldheed their warnings
Becausethey said so
Becausethey held important positions
Becausethey were in charge
Becausetheir white privilege was on high display
Youwill go along with our system
Because_we_ said so
Aprosecuting attorney only wants to bring charges
Oncases that they are sure they will win
Ahuman life was of secondary importance
Totheir conviction record
It’sall about winning to them
Bullshit! Bullshit!! Bullshit!!!
Cowardsone and all
Thursdaynight May 28th, 2020
Thiswhole damn thing didn’t have to happen
Althoughanyone with half a brain
Knewthat it was going to
Youcould see it coming
Likea runaway freight train
Minneapolisis burning
I’msupposed to renounce violence of any sort
Butit’s hard to shed a tear for the demise
Ofthe cop’s Third Precinct Police Station
Becauselike Pontius Pilate passing
Christon to King Herod
Theyfired their own
Butwouldn’t arrest their own
Washingtheir hands they passed the buck
Tocowards even more cowardly than them
Millionsof dollars of damage
Doneto innocent businesses
Apparentlythe white mouthpieces felt that it was
Betterto let the town burn
Thanto take on the cop’s police union
America’sPresident Donald J. Trump
Whowe all know is lying
Ifhis lips are moving
Threatenedthe protestors by Tweeting:
“Whenthe looting starts. The shooting starts.”
Gasolinethrown on the fire
Bythe racist leader of the free world
Fridaymid-morning May 29th, 2020
Thekiller cop has been apprehended
Whilethe three bystander cops
Arestill at large
Toolittle too late
Whiteprivilege is now in flames
Theraw nerves of Americans
Coopedup for three months
Becauseof the health pandemic
Arewildly throbbing across the nation
Thecountry’s eight minute snuff film
Isjust too fresh in mind
Therage is just too intense
Thisoutrage will have to burn itself out
Inits own way, in its own time
Ablack man in handcuffs
Withhis face pushed into the asphalt
Beggingfor his life
Waskilled in the streets
OfMinneapolis, Minnesota
Inthe span of eight minutes
Byfour renegade cops
Sayhis name: